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  4. Edit In Outlook
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  6. Upgrade (On Premise only)

Upgrade (On Premise only)

To upgrade your app, first get the latest version

Download the latest version from our website. Login to MY ACCOUNT and select Downloads.

This zip-file contains the following files

  • Edit In Outlook for Business Central 14.app
  • App Authenticator for Business Central 14.app

Place these apps in folder C:\INSTALL\ and follow the next steps.

Step 1. Publish the new version

Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -Path 'C:\INSTALL\Edit In Outlook for Business Central 14.app'

⚠️ Note
If you are facing problems you probably need to upgrade the Q-Team App Authenticator.

Step 2. Let see which versions you have and write down the old version and the new version

Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -Name 'Edit In Outlook for Business Central 14'

Step 3. Uninstall the old version

UnInstall-NAVApp -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -Name 'Edit In Outlook for Business Central 14' -Version <OldVersionNo>

Step 4. Install the new version

Sync-NAVApp -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -Name 'Edit In Outlook for Business Central 14' -Version <NewVersionNo>
Start-NAVAppDataUpgrade -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -Name 'Edit In Outlook for Business Central 14' -Version <NewVersionNo>
Install-NAVApp -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -Name 'Edit In Outlook for Business Central 14' -Version <NewVersionNo>

Step 5. Finally you can unpublish the old version

UnPublish-NAVApp -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -Name 'Edit In Outlook for Business Central 14' -Version <OldVersionNo>

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