Looking for a light-weight but flexible document scanning solution?
This is you: a hardworking professional who has no time to manually process purchasing and sales documents, wanting to streamline and optimize the document flow of your organization, but the solutions available for this problem are simply to big, complicated and expensive.
OCRDocs tries to solve this problem with a light-weight yet flexible document scanning solution. We understand the need for a plug-and-play solution for small to medium sized companies, where no training or an expensive or time-consuming setup is required. While we were at it, we also removed the need for expensive subscriptions or packages that never quite suited your organization.
Key features and benefits
- No time consuming template upload required
- Send uploaded documents to OCR service
- Automatic invoice recognition
- Create invoices based on pre-defined G/L accounts
- Automatically retrieve posted purchase receipts
- PDF viewer in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
- Upload multiple document all at once
- Accounts Payable automation
- Import mail from Outlook
- Processing of complex invoices
- Pay per scan
- No subscriptions or expensive packages required
Technical specifications
- Available for Business Central SaaS
- Available for Business Central OnPrem
- PDF preview in Business Central
- 24/7 Online support
- Auto updates
Supported editions
The app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported countries
This app is available in all countries where Business Central is provided.
Supported languages
This app is available in following languages
- Dutch (The Netherlands)
- English (United States)
Download whitepaper (EN)

Brandweer Amsterdam-Amstelland –
“NAViDocs is inmiddels geïmplementeerd en de voordelen zijn legio. De volledige digitale factuurverwerking levert heel veel winst op, zowel in tijd als geld. NAViDocs luidde het einde van een frustratie in. Ons vorige externe workflow systeem was met name voor onze IT-afdeling bewerkelijk en foutgevoelig. Met het Alles-in-1-pakket van NAViDocs is een foutloze koppeling tussen de factuurverwerkingssoftware en ons ERP-systeem gerealiseerd. Mutaties in stamgegevens, wijzigingen in het grootboek of autorisaties hoeven niet meer extra te worden gecontroleerd. Bovendien wordt de interface door de gebruikers als een aanzienlijke verbetering ervaren”